Rainbow Snippets*–A Little Ramble

January found me in a writing slump. Like Cracks in the Sidewalk had been released into the wild, and I'd finished my Headphones Vella. I have a list of "what's next" but somehow I've been in a holding pattern. A big part of that is my day job situation. The business I work for sold, so I'm in the same building, looking at the same walls, but I have new bosses with different ways of doing things–including a new grocery supplier and new computer system I have to learn. If new challenges keep our brains young, mine will regress to teenagehood soon! 

woodland path lined by bare trees
I'm so ready for spring to get here! I need leaves and flowers! 

One of my new projects is editing an older manuscript and publishing it on Vella with the hope that it'll be the incitive I need to finish the second part of the story. (It's going to be a duology.) So this week's snippet is the opening of When Silverfist Dance:

“Buy me a drink?”
Morgan slumped in his chair with his glass in hand and head down, staring at the floor as he did his best to ignore the music and the people. But it was made impossible by a pair of high-heeled stub-toed go-go boots. His gaze traveled up to find a ridiculous stick of a boy standing in front of him, straddling his outstretched legs. His sequined mini dress barely covered the top of his thighs, showing off the black fishnet stockings covering his thin legs. Wishing he could but unable to stop, his reluctant perusal continued up over a narrow chest until it finally settled on big eyes highlighted by too much mascara and eyeliner. Teased-up hair framed the ridiculous child’s razor-sharp cheekbones. The throbbing music was giving Morgan a headache and the client he was supposedly entertaining was on the dance floor, grinding up against some heavily coiffed drag-queen. And now he had to deal with this little Queen-in-training trying to pick him up? Why did God hate him?

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*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers who gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


  1. LOL...what a situation! I'm no sure whether to laugh or feel bad for him. 😁❤️

  2. Oh wow, the description in this and his reaction to the young man


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