
Rainbow Snippets*— Bisexual Awareness Month Featuring Fangs for Everything

It's Bisexual Awareness month, and to celebrate I'm going to snip from my books with bisexual characters. I should have started at the first of the month, but there was traveling, accompanied by Covid. 1 star. I do not recommend! Hopefully, my life is going to become more routine once again.  Snipping from Fangs for Everything Young Rollie doesn't know that Alex is a vampire, and as things heat up, Alex is "explaining" some medical conditions that affect him sexually, as it's their first time being intimate. But Rollie misunderstands and things almost end before they begin. Told from Alex's POV:     “ Y ou’ve done this before, right?” [Rollie asked.] Again, there was that embarrassed flush.  “Had sex? It’s been a while, but I had a girlfriend when I was younger. So, yes?” And that wasn’t a lie, or even the truth stretched.  Rollie stiffened. “Wait! I thought…” He frowned, his thick eyebrows drawing together, and there was an edge o

Rainbow Snippets*—Time for a Break

I knew this summer was going to be a challenge, and I wasn't wrong. I've had too many irons in the fire and it's felt like everything has gone a little sideways. No major disasters, but enough to feel like it's two steps forward, a step-and-a-half back. I got home from the Rainbow Readers Cruise last weekend—which was wonderful, by the way—but as per the new normal, I tested positive for Covid. I'm supposed to head to Kansas Wednesday for GRL, so fingers crossed I'm testing negative by then. I'd consider canceling now if I wasn't going as an author, but I decided to take the plunge and "just do it" this year. I have swag and books and preorders. Everyone, send me your good vibes!  Rooster in Key West. It was too hot to do much exploring, but we walked around the market area for a bit.  Posting the opening of Fang for Everything  today. I probably have before, but it's a book I'll have available for sale at GRL, so I'm featuring it a

Rainbow Snippets— Happy 4th?

For this week's snippet, I'm going back to Headphones . In the second book, Sunshine Smile , both Headphones and Scoey have negative reactions to fireworks. I wrote the original serial version of this ten years ago, but it feels relevant this week, as my neighbors have set off fireworks all week at all times of the night. I'm exhausted.   In this scene, Scoey experiences a bad case of PTSD. His military career ended when he got caught in an attack and wounded. ...the fireworks ignited directly overhead with echoing explosions that rattled [Scoey's] bones. Each detonation pulled him apart until it was overwhelming, and he ducked his head and covered his ears with his hands. His eyes were darting, showing too much white, like a cornered animal searching for an escape. Jay caught his jerky movements out of the corner of his eye and went to Scoey, circling an arm around his waist. Something was very wrong. Encouraging Scoey to stand, Jay led him into the storeroom. He colla

Rainbow Snippet--The Problem With Jed

I read a lot of fantasy series in my teens and twenties. You know, where things unfold throughout the various books and something that happens in book one is explained in book two, to five, or eight? And I've just realized that I do that in my books, even though each has a different set of main characters. Actually, I knew it—it just hadn't given it much thought. Headphones is a true trilogy with the story starting in book one and ending in book three. Even the Campfire Stories series does this. Vaughn's "motivation" is explained in book two, and Lindsey's weird relationship with Vaughn is explained in book three. They build on each other, which isn't the best strategy for Contemporary Romance. So why am I bringing this up? I got notes back from a beta reader on the first book in the Bar Games Series. And I've done it again—big time. In the first book, Blind Ante , Jed is a bad guy. Or, at least, a total jerk. And he gets a lot of "screen time&qu

Rainbow Snippets*—More Blind Ante

The last few weeks have been mad-busy, and I don't see an end any time soon. (Maybe in January!) My plan had been to have Blind Ante ready for beta readers two weeks ago, but instead, I'm still finishing up the epilogue. (And I haven't even looked for beta readers yet!) But I'm close—I can feel it. Cicada shell. One of many! For the last few years, Jordan has lived out of his car, a Crown Victoria he calls Vicky. When he wins a beat-up old trailer in a poker game, he thinks he's got it made. Until the other owner shows up:  Jordan ’s hands were shaking when he finally slid into his car. “Shit, Cow, I am so screwed.” He dug around for a cigarette but all he found was a half-dozen empty packs. He really needed to give Vicky a good clean. “Fuck it. I don’t want to smell like an ashtray anyway. After. Then I’ll buy a new pack and smoke them all.” ‘After’ being the job interview waitress Miranda had arranged with diner owner Tammy. But he paused and wondered if there w

Rainbow Snippets*--More of Jed and Blind Ante

I'm half-way through this first round of edits on Blind Ante . I need to line up some beta readers, but at my turtle pace, I still have a couple of weeks! Especially since I'll be working extra hours until the middle of May. I need more hours and energy in my day! My first poppy of the year! Continuing from last week. Jed has just walked back into Jordan's life. Things are uncomfortable, to say the least:  “No reason to be so formal.” The man stuck his hand out. “Everyone calls me Jed.”  Reese returned the handshake reluctantly, and as expected, Jed gave an extra alpha-male squeeze, a subliminal attempt at intimidation. “How do you two know each other?” Reese asked, turning his attention back to Jordan,who sat with his head down and his posture sunken.  Not that Jed was going to give him a chance to answer. “Oh, me and Jordy go back a few years. He used to follow me from job to job like a little mutt in heat. Couldn’t get enough of his Big Jed. Could you, baby?” Jordan fl

Rainbow Snippets*-- More From Blind Ante

For those familar with the GRL Retreat, I'm screwing up my courage and going as an author this year. My goal is to have Blind Ante published by then. And possibly even  Cut Shot . But that will be pushing it. I tend to be flashy and over the top, or just the opposite—quiet and trying to not be noticed. And I seem to have little control of which I am at any given time. Let's hope for flashy! A morning walk on a nice day. It's amazing how it goes from brown to color seemingly overnight.  This week's snippet continues from last week's, taken from Blind Ante . Someone Jordan never expected to see again has just walked back into his life. Needless to say, things are about to get complicated!      “You don’t call, you don’t text. Why, I’m beginning to think you don’t want to see me anymore.” The teasing tone grew harder and lower. “Give us a kiss, Jordy. I’ve missed you.” Reese interrupted. “Can I get you anything?”  Jordan ’s eyes widened and his chest heaved in pa