Rainbow Snippets* --Happy New Year!

2018. What can I say? I'm at that age where one asks "Where has the time gone?" but at the same time, in so many ways, this year has seemed endless. My goal for 2018 had been to start publishing and I did manage to have one short story published, so I met that goal; just maybe not in the way I meant. Therefore, my goal for 2019 is to get brave, make concrete decisions, and publish at least one of my books! That's as far as my resolutions go. (after all, who likes a skinny, sober bitch anyway?!) My snippet this week comes from one of my first manuscripts, When Silverfish Dance . It's not a romance so much as a Suspense with Romantic elements. In other words, it ends with a HFN instead of a HEA. Although, if I ever manage to write the sequel...! It's New Year's Eve, 1973, and the two main characters, Morgan and Barry, are pretending to be a couple. Sometimes the lines blur: Barry looked up at him with a small smile and said, “Look, it’s almo...