Rainbow Snippets*-- Final Push

When I first wrote Headphones, I published it in "snapshots" on this blog. (Hence the blog name!) It was a story I had started in high school but never really developed. I've always been notorious for never finishing things and I decided to prove to myself that I could do it. And I did. 

I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it at the time, but I had the foresight to put each snapshot on a color-coded card, which has been a Godsend. Each book in the trilogy covers 4 months, so that's roughly 120 snapshots per. And I just posted the final 24 to book 2. I've used this as my Camp NaNo project and I would love to finish it by the end of the month. It probably won't happen, but it'll be close. And then I'll start again with the next 4-months-worth of cards for book 3. This really has turned into a labor of love. 

This week's snippet comes a few minutes after last weeks:  Scoey had just walked into his brother Richard's bar and met Jay. Richard and Jay live in an apartment that is in the same building as the bar.

The apartment featured a modern kitchen that opened into a lounge area. Scoey looked around at the rich furnishings and couldn’t picture his brother living here. Richard had never been much of a housekeeper. In the past, his apartments had resembled college dorm rooms, except even more cramped and dingy, if it was possible. Cocking his eyebrow, he looked at his brother and smirked. “You and the bartender, huh?”
“Hmm? Yeah, he’s been living here for a couple of months,” he answered distractedly as he grabbed some silverware and napkins, tossing them onto the table. But then he caught Scoey’s bug-eyed stare and raised eyebrows and realized what was being inferred. “Oh, no! Not that! He’s got the spare bedroom. Why would you think that?”
Scoey looked around the room. “Maybe because the pillows match the curtains. And, well, curtains. You have actual curtains.”
Richard’s reply hinted at indignant. “I had curtains at my last place.”
“No,” Scoey corrected him. “You had blinds. Not the same thing.”

*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


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