Rainbow Snippets*-- The Good and the Sad

I'm excited to say that I'm going to finish the Headphones rewrite today. I'd hoped to do it last night, but it's been a rough week at work and I lost my energy before I hit "the end". But that's good because last week I thought it would take two weeks. Now all of the fun of doing edits and finding beta readers.  

There was no luck on finding Howie past one possible sighting, which makes me sad, but 8 week-old Peppercorn is thriving and has taken over the household. He is absolutely everywhere! 

This week's snippet is Mick's response after Headphones asked about Joey in last week's snippet:

Mick rolled away to lie on his back. He rubbed his eyes and he left his hands there, his palms closing out the morning light as he began to talk. “I mean, there was drugs and alcohol and women and....” He considered his words, his inner eye seeing flashes from those wild nights. “Sometimes we shared. Women, I mean. We shared and there were nights--” He paused again while he took a deep breath, pulling his hands away from his face to fold them on his chest. He stared into space but didn’t see the room. What he pictured was Joey’s face, laughing and ecstasy-twisted. “I never let myself think about it, but there were nights that we were more into each other than the woman in bed with us.”

*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


  1. Peppercorn is adorable. Poor Howie, though. I hope your kitty's okay.

    Sounds like Mick has quite the interesting history! ❤️

  2. Such an intense, gripping, yet quiet snippet (heart) Peppercorn is so adorable (heart) I hope Howie returns to you.

  3. Sorry to hear about Howie, Peppercorn is adorable. I like how open Mick is being

  4. Peppercorn is adorable. I hope Howie is okay. Great snippet.

  5. I hope Howie comes home asap! Peppercorn is precious :) Love the admission from Mick.


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