Rainbow Snippets* --Stay Safe, Friends in NOLA!

The day job is still taking too much of my time and energy so I didn't get very far on my editing. I've got two projects floating around in my head that I've been trying to take some notes on. One is a Christmas novella and the other is a short story for an anthology. I need to figure out a good way to divide my time and accomplish EVERYTHING.

And still have time to splash around in my pool!

10 week-old Peppercorn has a bit of a cold, so there are matted eyes and kitty sneezes. Hopefully, the medicine will work quickly.

Last week Headphones was having a breakdown. This week, Lenny and Honey talk her down: 

“Okay, hon, backup and explain what’s going on to us less enlightened beings.” Honey took her hand and pulled her to the nearest chair, pushing her onto it with the hope that she could calm the girl down. 
“Yeah, okay.” Headphones took a deep breath and gathered her thoughts. “Ever since Mick was in the hospital Annalise has been hanging around. Get it?” Honey and Lenny glanced at each other and then back at Headphones with little shakes of their heads. “She’s trying to get close to Mick. I don’t know why, but I’m not imagining it. Every time I turn around, she’s there. I want her to go away.” 
“Oh, my dear, we all want her to go away!” Honey laughed, but there was a flash of pain that crossed her face that Lenny missed but Headphones didn’t. “But I don’t think you have to worry. Try to ignore her.”

*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


  1. I'm getting more and more curious about Annalise...

  2. Poor Headphones. And poor Peppercorn...sending him healing thoughts.

  3. I hope Peppercorn is feeling better! ❤️
    I wonder what it is that Honey wasn't saying?

  4. Great snippet. I hope Peppercorn is feeling better!


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