Rainbow Snippets*-- Metaphors

I finished the line edits of Sunshine Smile and am now working on the last book of the Headphones trilogy, Fall Out. I discussed the metaphor of Headphones with my daughter while she was home at Christmas–that Jessie wears them as security, a physical barrier separating herself, while at the same time everyone else is wearing invisible headphones for the same reason–if I need to explicitly write that into the story or trust that the reader figures it out on their own. We agreed–I should assume the intelligence of the reader. I hope I don't regret that!

(Have I mentioned that Peppercorn ended up being almost a block long?)

In last week's snippet, Richard began to wonder about his brother's relationship with Jay. This week's snippet, taken from the beginning of book 3, Fall Out, is his acknowledgment of it. Part 1 of 3, he's in the park with Bets:

The beer and the chicken were both gone before Richard started the conversation with a mumbled, “Don’t get smug, but you were right.” 
His mouth was drawn up sideways with his brow furrowed and she cocked her head as she thought back, unsure what she was right about. “I’m overjoyed that I get to say ‘I told you so’ but what is it I’m happy about?”
“Scoey and Jay,” was all he said but then she flashed back to their last picnic and his denial that the attraction between the two men was mutual. 
“Why believe me now?” She did her best to squash down her amusement and muffle her curiosity, afraid he’d take out-right laughter as an excuse to get huffy and not tell her. 
“Scoey spent the night Saturday.”

*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers who gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


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