
Showing posts from July, 2020

Rainbow Snippets*-- Wander Lust

Another week done. They all blend together right now. My husband and I drove to the Nature Center (about 4 miles) and walked the trails this morning, and he asked me when I'd last bought gas because the tank is nearly full. It's been weeks, but I rarely go anywhere. I guess that's one think I can count as a positive--saving money and wear-and-tear on the car. But I am so craving a road trip right now! This is where I want to be, but know it isn't going to happen again any time soon! This week's snippet is part 4 of 4, taken from  Sunshine Smile--Headphones book 2 .  Scoey and Jay are stuck in the walk-in freezer and things are heating up even while they're getting colder. From Scoey's POV. (To review--  Part 1 ,  Part 2 , Part 3 .) (Honestly, out of all of the characters I've written, Scoey and Jay will always be special to me.) There was no sound between them, no moans or sighs, as they reveled in that one single burning point. The tips of ...

Cover Magic

I think one of the most exciting things about publishing, whether it's traditional or self, is seeing your story come to life with a cover. While writing Headphones back in 2013, I played around with a series of drawings, trying to put a face to my characters. When I began my search for pictures to use as covers, I really didn't have a clue what to look for. And to be honest, I wasn't giving much thought to my pictures. But once the covers were done, I pulled them out for comparison. And I think I did a pretty good job! Headphones Trilogy  Five different relationships, five different stories--tangled together with the young woman they call Headphones at the center of it all. Homeless and lost, all Headphones wanted on that cold January day was a place to rest. What she found in the bright college bar was a group of people who took her in, offering her a home and a chance to make music again. Told over the course of a year, In From The Cold introduces ...

Rainbow Snippets*-- Silver

This is Silver. She's a little sweetie. For some reason, the rest of Momma Cat's last litter hang out at the neighbor's house, but this one spends most of her time with us. I'm hoping to find a home for her, but if not, we'll keep taking care of her.  This week's snippet is part 3 of 4, taken from Sunshine Smile--Headphones book 2 .  Scoey and Jay are stuck in the walk-in freezer and things are beginning to heat up even while they're getting colder. From Scoey's POV. (To review-- Part 1 and Part 2 .)        Jay’s cold lips against his skin sent a shiver through Scoey’s body but his breath was a warm mist against his jaw.   His heart was beating fast and he wondered if Jay could hear it, but he thought he must when his arms tightened against his ribs. He buried his own chilled face into the dark hair, trying to warm his cheek with Jay’s heat.        He hadn’t meant to do it, but Jay looked up at him and they were too clos...

Rainbow Snippets*-- Walks in the Woods

As part of our new "get out of the house and exercise" routine, we've been going to the Nature Center that's only a few miles from our house and walking the trails. We go early in the morning while it's still cool and we've seen quite a few deer and other wild-life. Maybe being forced to slow down isn't a bad thing.  On the writing front:  I think we all have our favorite scenes in our writing-- something that gives us a little punch when we reread it, and hope it does the same for our readers. This scene in Sunshine Smile is one of those scenes for me.  This is part 2, continuing from last week. Scoey and Jay are stuck in the walk-in freezer and are waiting for Richard to let them out. Scoey is fairly heavily dressed, but Jay is wearing light summer clothing. Part 1 can be read here .  “Not sure this is the best place for a little manhandling, but sure, I’ll play,” Jay teased.  “Shut up,” Scoey said as he wrapped his arms around Jay and pull...

Rainbow Snippets*-- Cats on a Shelf

The project I'm working on now, Cinders and Ash , is proving difficult. I had considered doing Camp NaNo with the idea of finishing it (I'm barely over 20k at the moment) but with the way my brain's working lately, I knew I was setting myself up to fail. So no Camp for me. I'll just do what I can do. Instead, I've been formatting my Headphones series for paperback. Which has meant learning new skills, which is frustrating but also rewarding. Cats on a shelf. That's Momma Cat, Peppercorn's grandma, and one of the kits from her latest litter.  This week's snippet comes from Sunshine Smile: Headphones book 2 . Scoey and Jay have gotten trapped in the bar's walk-in freezer. Richard should be back any moment, but in the meantime... (told over the next few weeks.)           Jay was shaking harder and it worried Scoey. He’d be okay, he knew, but Jay didn’t have an ounce of fat on his frame and his clothes were basically useless–great on a hot A...