Rainbow Snippets*-- Walks in the Woods

As part of our new "get out of the house and exercise" routine, we've been going to the Nature Center that's only a few miles from our house and walking the trails. We go early in the morning while it's still cool and we've seen quite a few deer and other wild-life. Maybe being forced to slow down isn't a bad thing. 

On the writing front:  I think we all have our favorite scenes in our writing-- something that gives us a little punch when we reread it, and hope it does the same for our readers. This scene in Sunshine Smile is one of those scenes for me. 

This is part 2, continuing from last week. Scoey and Jay are stuck in the walk-in freezer and are waiting for Richard to let them out. Scoey is fairly heavily dressed, but Jay is wearing light summer clothing. Part 1 can be read here

“Not sure this is the best place for a little manhandling, but sure, I’ll play,” Jay teased. 
“Shut up,” Scoey said as he wrapped his arms around Jay and pulled him against his chest, clutching his shirt in his hands to wrap it around Jay. He was glad he’d grabbed the thick one because the cold of Jay’s back was a shock on his bare skin. It faded quickly as their shared body heat melded through the material of Jay’s shirt, becoming a bulwark against the blowing air of the freezer fans. 
They stood silently for several minutes but the flannel shirt still wasn’t quite loose enough to cover them both and Jay moved within the circle of Scoey’s arms to face him. He wrapped his arms around Scoey’s waist and tucked his face into his neck. Jay’s cold lips against his skin sent a shiver through Scoey’s body but his breath was a warm mist against his jaw. 

(part 3 next week!)

Headphones Trilogy, now available on Amazon KU and in paperback. 

*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers who gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


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