
Showing posts from August, 2020

Rainbow Snippets*-- Goodbye to August 2020

Another week of trying to keep my mental health on an even keel. It's not the easiest thing to do. I live in a rural "red" area where a person's politics is obvious by whether or not they're masked. And, not surprising, our Covid+ numbers are rising rapidly. But I did manage some writing. At this point, if I manage at least 200 words a day, I consider it a positive. I keep telling myself "This too shall pass". Actually, I'm glad I have my writing because it gives me something to focus on.   The youngest member of our kitty clowder. We simply call her Silver.  This week's snippet is part two of three, ( read part one here ) taken from  Headphones: In From the Cold . Because the series has such a large cast, I chose to build my characters' backgrounds using flashbacks instead of dialogue or introspection, which would have created too much narrative, I feared. Jay is remembering the first time he had sex:             In a dark corner ...

Rainbow Snippets*-- Plodding Along

I'm finally making progress on my current WIP, Cinders and Ash . I hit the 40k mark, which feels like I'm in the home stretch. The first two books in the series are 60k and that was my goal for this one, but at this point, I'm going to be happy to hit 50k on the first draft, mainly because I feel like the beta readers are going to give me the kind of feedback that says "You need to add this and this and this." Plus, this book has been such a struggle, I simply want it done! Flowers from my morning walk.  This week's snippet is the first of three parts, taken from Headphones: In From the Cold . Because the series has such a large cast, I chose to build my characters' backgrounds using flashbacks instead of dialogue or introspection, which would have created too much narrative, I feared. This is part of Jay's story:          Scoey relaxed and stood up to get himself a mug of coffee. Their talk turned to chatter, but Jay’s mind wasn’t really on ...

Rainbow Snippets*-- Wonky Weather

The weather here feels more like September than it does August. It's good for my electric bill, but also means no swimming, which is usually the highlight of my summer days. 2020 is proving to be not simply an episode of The Twilight Zone, but a whole entire season.  My current WIP is the third book in my Campfires series. I'm finally making some progress and I'm just hoping it's not a complete mess when I get done with this first draft. The first two books, Embers and Flame and Smoke and Sparks , are M/M, while Cinders and Ash is M/F, although the MCs from the first two books are side characters in this one, just like Lindsey was in theirs.   This week's snippet, from Cinders and Ash,  is from Lindsey's POV and she is speaking with Brian. She's having a bit of a panic attack: “I’m not girlfriend material,” I stated matter-of-factly. “I know. You told me that already.” “But you are.” “I’m girlfriend material?” “No, you doofus. Yo...