Rainbow Snippets*-- Berry Time!
As slow as 2020 felt, this year seems to be whizzing by. I have all these things I want to accomplish, but I can't seem to make much progress. I don't know if it's my age or my state of mind. Whichever it is, I'm not very happy about it! I picked two buckets of gooseberries this week, and now I'm hoping to get enough blackberries to make a cobbler. I love berries! This snippet continues from last week's snippet , only it's later in the evening and Ben and Cherry have stepped out of the bar to get some fresh air. Told from Cherry's POV: I didn’t mean to say it aloud, but the words pushed their way out of my throat, nonetheless. “What are you doing with me? Why am I here?” “What?” Ben’s bewilderment over the question was clear under the dim streetlight. “Why would you ask that?” “You can have your pick. Any of the women in there. They fawn all over you. So, why me? What do I have to offer?” Okay, I’d ...