Rainbow Snippets*--Moving Slow

I'm working on three projects right now and I've decided that really isn't a smart thing for me to do. I mean, combined, I'm moving ahead, but individually, it's hard to measure my progress. Hopefully, I'll finish one of the projects within the next three weeks. Then I can concentrate better. (Fingers crossed!)

I'm fascinated by spider webs and there have been so many on my morning walks. 

This week's snippet is a continuation of my Vampire WIP, Fangs For the Memories. It's 1969 and Artemis, a 300 year-old + vampire, has spent the last week with a young couple. A flat tire in the early hours of the morning turns into a crisis when Alex is hit by a passing vehicle and his girlfriend, Sally, begs Artemis to save him. But Artemis has one rule--Alex has to consent. From Artemis' POV:   (read part one hereread part two here)

“Alex, say yes. Please, say yes.” She shook him and he groaned, but his eyes fluttered and she said it again. “Say yes.”
          Alex’s lips were grey under the streaks of blood, and he worked his jaw as he tried to speak. “Say yes,” I whispered, not loud enough for him to hear, but as a silent prayer, even though I’d rarely prayed even when my body had held its own warmth. He didn’t move his head, but his eyes found me and with forced focus, he grunted and then a word formed. “Please.”
          That was it--that was what I needed. I rolled up my sleeve as I sat back on my feet and turned my attention to Sally. “You might want to wait in the truck.”

To be continued...

*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers who gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


  1. This is so beautiful...and I have a feeling poor Sally will be paying a price for this.

  2. Yeah. Waiting in the truck would be a good move.
    Hope they're not the kind who get instantly hungry when they turn, though.


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