Rainbow Snippets*-- Sunflower Sunshine

I'm getting ready for a yard sale next weekend (when it's cooler), which has cut into my writing time. I'm trying to get rid of things we won't want to move when the time comes. I'm being premature because it'll be a few years, I'm sure. But, hopefully, future me with thank present me. Having a sale is probably more work than what it's worth, but hopefully, I'll get rid of some stuff and have a little fun money to show for the effort!

Sunflower and friend. I love to watch the bees in my back yard. 

This week's snippet is a continuation of my Vampire WIP, Fangs For the Memories. It's 1969 and Artemis, a 300 year-old + vampire, has spent the last week with a young couple. A flat tire in the early hours of the morning turns into a crisis when Alex is hit by a passing vehicle and his girlfriend, Sally, begs Artemis to save him. Alex has consented but Artie fears he's waited too long. From Artemis' POV:   (read part one, part two, part threeContent warning for blood. You may not want to read this if you're squeamish:

“You might want to get in the truck.”
             “No, I’m staying.” [Sally said.]
             I didn’t have time to argue. Alex’s pulse, which had been beating erratically from rapid to labored, was dropping. I was almost out of time. “Stay with me,” I commanded, hoping he had enough strength to will himself to live. I rapped my fingers on his abdomen and it was hard. He was bleeding internally, as I’d suspected. In all my years, I’d only sired a handful of children, and each time I’d pierced a jugular vein or nicked an artery in their arm, but none had ever been this close to death. Refusing to give it any further thought, I crouched over his now-unmoving body, shoved up his shirt, and sank my fangs into the distended flesh I found there. He was like an overripe peach, the blood exploding, a gush that coated my tongue and filled my mouth. I swallowed, but his blood spilled, unchecked. 

To be continued...

*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers who gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


  1. I love the description. I hope Artemis isn't too late.

  2. Sensual, sweet, and disturbing all at once...excellent snippet! (heart)

  3. Oh the sensory input with the blood and his fear for Alex are both so good.


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