Rainbow Snippets*-- Summer's End

I love my back yard. During the summer, I spend every minute possible there. But it also puts a dent into my writing (although I do take out a notebook and edit when I can.) But now, the temperature has dropped so our pool time is over. Which means more writing time. Who knows, I might actually finish my current WIP!

Shade and sunshine, side by side. 

This week's snippet is a continuation of my Vampire WIP, Fangs For the Memories. It's 1969 and Artemis, a 300 year-old + vampire, has spent the last week with a young couple. A flat tire in the early hours of the morning turns into a crisis when Alex is hit by a passing vehicle and his girlfriend, Sally, begs Artemis to save him. Alex has consented but Artie fears he's waited too long. From Artemis' POV:   (read part one, part two, part three, part four)

There are stories and myths among my kind about how the change happens, but no science has ever found a virus or antibody that passes from vampire to host, so for years it was labeled magic, and that’s how it usually felt, the ritual of blood exchange. But this, with Alex? This was terrifying. I was too late, I’d hesitated. I’d been too concerned about rules. Those thoughts passed through my head as I sealed my lips around the gash I’d bitten into Alex’s body. And even that, ripping into his flesh this way, was wrong. This should be solemn and ceremonial, not a frenzied feed. I gulped two, three more times and sat back up. 

To be continued...

*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers who gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.


  1. Intense and disturbingly beautiful…(heart)

  2. Intense and thoughtful. I like the narrative from the vampire's POV.
    Your post is included in this month's Roost Recommendations. I share the Roost Recommendations posts on Twitter with readers looking for their next read.

  3. Is he going to be too late? Please no.


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