Rainbow Snippets*—Finally
Like Cracks in the Sidewalk is (finally!) up for preorder with a November 29 release date. Now comes the marketing fun. And yes, that's sarcasm. There's so much going on now between work and the Holidays, marketing is going to be sporadic. It would be nice to have a marketing elf! Check it out here . We had snow in the forecast this morning. So far it's only rain. Hopefully, it'll stay that way—I'm not ready! Although a white Christmas would be nice. I'm switching it up this week. Instead of snipping from Like Cracks in the Sidewalk , I thought I share something from Fangs for Everything , since this week is its book birthday. This scene takes place on Thanksgiving and vampire Alex is reflecting on how Christmas has shifted to earlier in the year: The trip across the city was easy, slowed only by red lights that were set for the usual Thursday night rush hour. The store fronts sparkled with Christmas decorations, as they had for the last couple of weeks. That ...