Rainbow Snippets*-- Happy Halloween!

 Things are a little tense here at The House of Jones, as I'm sure it is in many homes across the USA right now. Hopefully, when I'm typing up next week's snippet, it will be with one less thing to be stressed about.

This week's snippet is again from Smoke and Sparks. The first two weeks featured Vaughn inviting Daryl to a Halloween party (part 1 and part 2). Last week was the two of them with friend Lindsey, getting ready for the party (read here). This week, I'm jumping ahead a few paragraphs (again). The three are in full costume, even though Daryl still isn't sure who they've dressed him up as (Levi from Attack on Titan, for anyone who is familiar with the manga/anime.)

Lindsey came back into the room and tilted her head as she looked at the two of us. Pulling out her phone, she said, “Pose.”
Vaughn laughed and pulled me against him. 
“Daryl, look up at him like you’re in love. And in danger at the same time,” Lindsey instructed. 
I looked up at Vaughn questioningly, which must have looked like danger because Lindsey was circling around us, taking pictures from different angles. Vaughn tipped his head and touched his lips to mine but didn’t push into a full kiss. It was too much and I pulled away. “Are we going or what?” I asked a bit sharply. It was a little overwhelming and we hadn’t even left the apartment yet. Hopefully, this would be easier once we were mingling with a crowd.

*Rainbow Snippets is a (Facebook) group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers who gather once a week to share snippets from a work of fiction–-a WIP or a finished work or even a book recommendation. If you're interested in following a diverse group of authors, check it out here.



  1. Ooo, I just love the steam mixed with the cosplaying, it makes my fangirly heart go pitter-patter! (heart)

  2. Yay for being dressed as Levi, poor guy though being so overwhelmed.


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